Player Resources

Education Advisor

The Olds Grizzlys are fortunate and honored to offer our players the opportunity to attend such an outstanding local high school.   Olds High School (OHS), currently ranked 14th in academic performance by the Fraser Institute among the 262 Alberta high schools, is part of the Community Learning Campus (CLC). The CLC is an innovative approach to high school, post-secondary, and community education. The CLC addresses specific rural needs by sharing resources and working jointly with a variety of community groups and agencies. Currently, there are about 575 students, grades 9 – 12 enrolled at OHS.

OHS is embracing a high school experience that provides more schedule flexibility and increased student self-direction in order to better serve modern learners.  The physical design of the OHS facility reflects a non-traditional (non-industrial model) personalized learning environment. Organized around four learning neighbourhoods or ‘Quads;’ core subjects are embraced by interdisciplinary teams of teachers working with a fixed group of students.

OHS teaching staff is extensively involved in a variety of professional development activities besides normal conference and workshop involvements.  OHS staff has representatives on district committees (e.g. Language Arts, Technology, and Math), diploma and achievement exam markers and test designers; government field tests are administered every year; people working at the provincial level on curriculum projects, etc.

OHS school programs are expanding to offer more preparation for entry into the work world and to introduce technology career opportunities to the students.

Mental Health Advisor

Nutritional Advisor

Spiritual Advisor